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Dr. Shawn Baker Podcast

We share carnivore diet interviews with VIP guests and success stories that are truly inspirational and life-changing!

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May 27, 2022

Carnivore diet:
Prior: I was very skeptical. I debated people on the carnivore diet on Twitter espousing the benefits of Mediterranean / plant-based diets.
Start: August 9, 2021
Benefits first 3 months: 30lb fat loss and 10lb of lean mass gain, digestive irritability reduced, energy levels and mood improved. 
Benefits after 3 months: I realized that for the first time in 2 decades I was no longer depressed. I have a gym routine again after 2 decades of lack of motivation. 
I've been sharing my story on YouTube.

I call myself a Regenarian. Regenarians make three foundational commitments. 1. We support farming practices that protect our home, planet earth, and the farmers that provide us with food. 2. We recognize that humans have the right to access ways of eating that are consistent with our species, Homo sapien, and 3. With the acknowledgment that life requires a balance of right and wrong actions, we support farmers and hunters who do the most right by treating livestock and prey according to the highest ethical standards possible. 
My pinned tweet speaks to the way of the Reganarians.

Nursing credentials:
BSN Bachelors in the Science of Nursing
CCRN Critical Care Registered Nurse certified through
ATCN Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses certified through
Recipient of the Daisy Award for Extraordinary Nurses.
COVID ICU from day to through the worst of the 2021 waves that hit Arizona. 

Social accounts:

00:00 Introduction
05:02 Metabolic syndrome
10:19 Explaining carnivore diet to others
12:41 How do you know the carnivore diet is working for you? 
15:45 How do you define health?
18:51 Heart attacks and diabetes
29:41 Young, fit people dropping dead from COVID
31:05 Talking to patients about diet and lifestyle
33:11 Regenarianism
35:07 Chicken and duck eggs
38:53 Mental health
41:25 Resistance training
45:11 Plant-based diet, ayur veda
48:10 Hypercarnivore definition

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