Jan 28, 2023
Jason's expertise is in the sport of powerlifting, and this relates to Dr. Baker's work because he also follows an exclusively carnivore diet. Jason has won national titles the past two years and currently holds 6 world records and 14 national records in his age and weight categories. He will also be competing at the world championships in powerlifting in 2023, held in Victoria, Canada, while eating a carnivore diet.
00:00 Trailer
00:38 Introduction
01:24 Weightlifting
02:28 Powerlifting
04:08 Competing in the nationals
05:43 Starting keto, then going to carnivore diet
06:51 Numbers the best they have been on the carnivore diet
07:47 Numbers Jason hits
11:32 Trying to get leaner
13:34 Continuing to get stronger
14:41 Training system
15:50 A day of eating
17:03 Spotter or training partner
18:25 Training to failure
20:02 Advantages of carbohydrates
21:32 Carnivore diet and family
23:37 Other kinds of training
25:02 Time spent in the gym
26:28 Food producing provinces in Canda
27:50 Tracking calories
29:45 Healing on the carnivore diet
31:05 Appetite on carnivore diet
33:32 Carbs and testosterone
35:59 How much more muscle does Jason want to put on?
37:30 Family and carnivore diet
38:42 Meat consumption in Alberta
40:25 Carnivore diet negatives
43:12 What grows in Alberta in the winter
45:10 Competition goals
46:28 Where to find Jason
48:32 Shawn’s PR
50:08 Daylight in northern latitudes
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