Nov 21, 2022
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Aimee is 68 years old and grew up in New Orleans. She was diagnosed
with type 1 diabetes at age 16 in 1971. She moved to Maine in 1990
and spent 25 years as a vegetarian, 7 years as a raw vegan, 8 years
on the keto diet, and the last 4 years as a carnivore. She was
always trying new diets and therapies in hopes of healing type 1
She has 3 grown children and 6 grandchildren. Her husband of 42
years died last year of colon cancer. He was a famous artist and
teacher. She worked for him, posing for figure paintings for 36
years and as his assistant in teaching oil painting and as his
videographer for his on-line courses. She is a still-life painter
and health researcher.
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00:00 Introduction
02:02 Type 1 diabetes diagnosis
03:15 Stiff man syndrome as a diabetes complication
03:57 Dr. Richard Bernstein
04:58 Low-carb for seven years
05:39 Going on a low-carb vegan diet
06:14 Raw vegan snack company
06:45 Keto diet
07:38 Introduction to carnivore diet, Mikhaila Peterson
08:48 Life expectancy of diabetics
10:21 Diabetics recommendations today vs in the 1970s
11:03 Applying technology to the wrong diet and chasing your
11:25 Difference in insulin requirements between a vegetarian
style, vegan style versus a low carb ketogenic or carnivore
15:35 Regular insulin vs synthetic analogs
16:24 Carnivore diet negative effects
17:53 Going on the lion diet
18:50 Type 1 diabetics who go off insulin
20:37 Misdiagnosis of diabetics, different types of diabetes
21:24 Fat on carnivore diet; insulin resistance and blood
23:40 Aimee’s blood sugars on higher fat carnivore
25:12 Muscle retention vs insulin needs
26:55 Getting enough protein
28:54 Does Aimee have a doctor?
30:44 Aimee’s late husband, Dennis
33:28 Raw vegan adventures
33:38 Colon cancer, undiagnosed inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's
disease, ulcerative colitis
34:31 Diseases take years to present
35:39 Study on carnivore diet and autoimmune diseases
36:20 50,000 anecdotes
38:08 Low Hemoglobin A1-C for type 1 diabetics
39:50 Carbohydrates and hunger
40:15 Diabetics and hunger
41:13 Generalized type one diabetic Facebook groups versus type one
diabetic carnivore groups
42:49 Dosing regimen on carnivore diet
44:22 Matching insulin to meat
45:06 Bodybuilders who use insulin
47:20 Chasing sugar with insulin
50:37 Dosing insulin per individual
52:34 Where to find Aimee online
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