Feb 7, 2025
Christy is an expert in hemochromatosis, iron overload, and anemias.
Instagram: @drchristysutton
Website: http://drchristysutton.com
00:00 Trailer and introduction.
05:26 Processed food linked to cognitive decline, diet change
08:16 Interest in healing through alternative medicine research
12:26 Avoid...
Feb 6, 2025
Pierre was born and lived in the UK until 1970, when he moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he stayed for 15 years. He returned to the UK from 1985 to 1992, then moved back to São Paulo, Brazil, until 1998. In 1998, he relocated to Fort Lauderdale, USA, and became a US citizen in 2006. He is now retired and lives...
Feb 5, 2025
Rachel improved hair, skin, nails, sun burn, hormones, skin allergies, teeth, brain fog, and gut issues on a carnivore diet.
Instagram: raebull_carnivore
Twitter: @RachyBull
00:00 Trailer and introduction
06:02 Carnivore diet experimentation
08:01 Avoiding fat in carnivore diet
10:05 Lost joy in eating...
Jan 31, 2025
Mary Grace is the founder of Mary Grace Media and host of the Mary Grace Show. She’s a gifted teacher and motivator who inspires her audience to take action and rise to God’s calling and destiny on their lives. She explains complex issues simply and brings a calming voice to the chaos. Mary Grace is well known for...
Jan 29, 2025
Trevor Connor is the CEO of the Paleo Diet. He inherited the company from Dr Loren Cordain who is the founder of the diet. Mark Smith is the company's Chief Science Officer. Both Mark and Trevor were graduate students of Dr Cordain.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/realpaleodiet/