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Dr. Shawn Baker Podcast

We share carnivore diet interviews with VIP guests and success stories that are truly inspirational and life-changing!

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Jun 27, 2022

Josephine (a.k.a. @theexplanteater) is a 27 year-old ex-vegan and has recently healed ulcerative colitis after transitioning to the carnivore diet after 14 years of veganism. She became vegan at the age of 13 and stubbornly continued with it for the following 14 years, dealing with continual and worsening digestive issues, mental health issues, premature aging, lack of energy, and hormonal imbalances. She finally considered including animal products again last May to see if it would help her colitis and was shocked to find that within a few weeks her severe colitis symptoms had healed (this was while taking no medication). Seeing the healing power of eating these foods led her down the rabbit hole of research, which led to her finding people like Dr. Baker and the carnivore diet, and she has since fine-tuned her diet to continually heal her digestive issues as well as the other issues veganism left her with. She hasn’t had a colitis flare up since June of last year, medication free, which is incredibly relieving seeing as her worst flare up almost killed her. She's now a pretty outspoken advocate for the carnivore diet with a very critical view of veganism. 

Find her on IG: @theexplanteater

00:00 Introduction
03:00 Blood in stool; fatigue; daily low fevers; diverticulitis
05:30 Ulcerative colitis diagnosis
08:32 Doctors and diet
13:29 Reflexes on veganism
16:51 Faux meats
17:56 Low-fiber vegan diet
22:13 Most triggering colitis on vegan diet
22:58 Disputing veganism
24:48 Animals that die for plant foods
27:45 “You were never vegan”
29:10 Crops fed to animals
30:00 Going back to veganism
30:57 Lapsed vegans, chegans
32:26 Going from vegan to carnivore instead of omnivore
33:36 Red meat and ulcerative colitis
35:42 Ex plant eater on Instagram
38:12 Diet and family
39:30 Supplementing on the vegan diet
41:42 Ethical conflict of interest
42:33 Meat and vegan propaganda
43:25 Carnivore diet is not dogmatic
46:30 Easy to be vegan in New York
49:33 Reincorporating plants
50:35 Vegan messaging

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