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Dr. Shawn Baker Podcast

We share carnivore diet interviews with VIP guests and success stories that are truly inspirational and life-changing!

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Apr 24, 2022

Dr. Cikomola (MD, PhD) is an endocrinologist at the Catholic University of Bukavu in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where he is also dean of the Faculty of Medicine. 
He has introduced low carbohydrate management to his patients with type 2 diabetes and in 2021; he piloted a low carbohydrate intervention via Zoom. 

This episode is hosted by Dr. Shawn Baker MD. Find him at

00:00 Introduction
02:52 Subcategories of diabetes; African diabetes
05:10 Relative incidence of diabetes in Congo
06:43 Nutrition in medical training
10:43 Success of low-carbohydrate approach
13:40 Food security
17:00 Pandemic and obesity
19:20 Nutrition guidelines in the Congo
22:29 Other endocrinological disorder affected by nutrition
23:52 Main medications used for diabetes
27:49 Doctors have limited time with patients
29:28 Natural resources in the Congo
33:20 Pastoralists in the Congo
37:30 Life expectancy in Africa
39:11 Exporting diseases and nutritional guidelines to Africa
40:40 Dr Cikomola’s Zoom meetings
42:20 Driver of diabetes, heart disease, hypertension in Africa
44:21 Trend in Africa
48:24 HIV control in the Congo
52:07 Dr Cikomola’s diet
53:51 Meat in the Congo

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